
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

C#: Armstrong Number

An Armstrong number is the number whose sum of the cubes of the digits equal to the same number.

//function for checking the Armstrong number
 public void ArmstrongCheck(int num)
//set a  variable for storing sum
            int sum = 0;
//variable for getting digit by digit of the number
            int val = 0;
//Store the variable to another 
            int ArmNum = num;
//Continue  till the number is zero
            while (num != 0)
//get digit by digit using modulo
                val = num % 10;
//get the next value
                num = num / 10;
//sum of the cubes of digits
                sum += val * val * val;
//sum equal to same number, then an Armstrong number
            if (sum == ArmNum)
                Console.WriteLine("Armstrong Number");
                Console.WriteLine("Not an Armstrong Number");

//Input: 153
Output: Armstrong Number
//Input: 127
Output: Not an Armstrong Number

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